Mar 20, 2020

Adams Middle School announces educational plan for balance of school year

Posted Mar 20, 2020 8:02 PM

Education of Adams Students During School Closure Due to Covid-19 Outbreak

Updated 3.20.20 

At this time, North Platte Public Schools will be canceling on-campus attendance for the rest of the year.  NPPS facilities will also be closed to students, parents and community members.

School Activities and Events

All NPPSD activities are cancelled for the rest of March, at least. This is subject to change.

All NPPSD Activities are cancelled during any school closing related to Covid-19

Education of Students (Grade 7-8)

The goal is to provide students opportunities that are reasonable. We do not want to cause any additional stress during this difficult time. If a student finds themselves being stressed out by the academic work, please communicate with Adams Administration and we will help.

We will prioritize the four core classes, math, reading, science and social studies.

Students will still be asked to complete Pathblazer for a total of 60 minutes of reading and 60 minutes of math per week.  All students know how to login to, and access PathBlazer.

Core classes will be assigned through Google Classroom, Zoom or email.  All teachers will be making contact with their students at the beginning through email.  Please make sure that your student checks their email daily for any new information they may receive.  

Students without computers at home will be given specific times to check-out Chromebooks.  A survey will be sent to all parents. This survey will need to be completed if the student would need to check-out a Chromebook.

Students without internet --> Charter Communications will be offering free WiFi to K-12 & College Students for 60 days beginning March 16th….to enroll, call 1-844-488-8395 which includes free spectrum broadband service and WiFi access.

Allo Communications is also offering the same support.  Please call your local Allo office for more details.  

Families without access to a computer or internet, an alternative assignment will be provided.  The packets will be printed and these students will have a specific time to pick these up at Adams.  A schedule will be communicated out to all parents and students when these packets will be available each week, and the time frame that the students have been assigned to pick up these packets.   Please communicate with Mr. Ayres if this is the option you are choosing for your student.

Students in grade 7-8 will work on the four (4) core classes simultaneously.  

Explore teachers will contact their students and offer activities that students may complete if they desire. 

Band/Orchestra/Music:  We understand that some students might have their instruments at home, while others still have them at school.  At this time, students will not be allowed to pick up their instruments from school. Music teachers will be in contact with students at a future date in regards to collecting these instruments from Adams.  

Drive teachers will check in with their students a minimum of once a week. This may be through email or a Zoom meeting.

Students will complete assignments and return them on the computer or if a packet they will returned back to the building.

Student belongings: Adams staff will go through student lockers (main and physical education) and put the contents of those lockers in bags and label them by Student, locker number and team.  Please understand, if there is a lock on the locker and the combination was not turned into your students teacher, these locks will be cut off. Once this process is completed, a schedule will be sent to both the parents and to the students emails, explaining the process of coming to school and collecting their belongings.  At this time, we will ask students to return all library books and materials they have at home that need checked in. I apologize in advance that this process will take some time, but we also need to make sure we are following the CDC rule of limiting access to ten (10) students into the building at one time. At this time, all this is on hold until further notice.  We will let you know when things change.

Points of Contact for Clever/PathBlazers

Mr. Ayres - [email protected]

Mr. Joneson - [email protected]

Points of Contact for Core Classes

 7 White Team:

Math - Mrs. Brownawell - [email protected]

English - Ms. Hamilton - [email protected]

Science - Mrs. Frey - [email protected]

Social Studies -  Ms. Wroot - [email protected]

7 Blue Team:

Math - Mrs. Greenwood - [email protected]

English - Ms. Struebing - [email protected]

Science - Mr. Brunz - [email protected]

Social Studies - Mrs. Meyer - [email protected]

7 Gold Team:

Math - Ms. Shold - [email protected]

English - Mr. Berry - [email protected]

Science - Mrs. Soelberg - [email protected]

Social Studies - Mr. Sterup - [email protected]

 8 White Team:

Math - Mr. Buchanan - [email protected]

English - Mrs. Johnson - [email protected]

Science - Ms. Taylor - [email protected]

Social Studies - Mr. Chromy - [email protected]

8 Blue Team:

Math - Mrs. Walters - [email protected]

English - Mrs. Meduna - [email protected]

Science - Mr. Owen - [email protected]

Social Studies - Mrs. Brosius - [email protected]

8 Gold Team:

Math - Mrs. Flanders - [email protected]

English - Ms. Ruppert - [email protected]

Science - Mrs. Petersen - [email protected]

Social Studies - Mr. Aufdenkamp - [email protected]

Updated information Regarding Covid-19:

Centers for Disease Control

Nebraska Department of Education

Nebraska School Activities Association

West Central District Health