Mar 24, 2020

North Platte High School students can pick up personal items on Friday

Posted Mar 24, 2020 4:16 PM

Picking-Up Student Items from North Platte High School

Friday 3.27.20

Items from the following areas will be available for students to pick-up from the SMALL GYM unless otherwise noted:

  1. Academic Lockers 
  2. Physical Education Lockers
  3. Musical Instruments (Band & Choir Areas):    These will be picked up in small groups, from the Band Room, with help from Mr. Bradley and staff.  Students will gather their items and then immediately exit the building.

Schedule:  Please respect the following time slots in order to help minimize large groups of students.

In order to encourage the safety of our students and staff:

  1. If you or anyone in your family is not feeling well, please do NOT come to the school.
  2. Students will form a line of no more than 10, at the north boundary of the PE/Locker Room Alley.  Students will wait outside the gate between the parking lot and alley, with an administrator.
  3. If the line already has 10 students, students should stay in their vehicles until it shortens.
  4. Students will be allowed to proceed down the alley to the SMALL gym.  They are allowed to gather their things, then immediately exit the gym and go back to their cars.
  5. Students will NOT be allowed into any other part of the school.

When students get to the small gym, their items will be grouped as follows.  These locations tell where the items were found in the building.

  1. 1100 Learning Center Lockers
  2. 1200 Learning Center Lockers
  3. 1300 Learning Center Lockers
  4. 1400 Learning Center Lockers
  1. 2100 Learning Center Lockers
  2. 2200 Learning Center Lockers
  3. 2300 Learning Center Lockers
  4. 2400 Learning Center Lockers
  1. Girls Locker Room Lockers
  2. Boys Locker Room Lockers

Thank you for your cooperation in this effort!