Mar 25, 2020

Century Link gives tips for increasing internet speed during COVID-19 isolation

Posted Mar 25, 2020 5:47 PM

News Release

COVID-19 is forcing many to work and complete school at home but the very devices in your home, how you set up your home office and even the age of your home’s wiring is dragging down your internet speed.

If you’re going the wireless route, get ready for a 15-40% data usage bump throughout this period of social distancing, which can lead to slower connection times, dropped video calls, and lagging download speeds.

CenturyLink — a global technology company — wants to share ways to optimize your internet speed.

  1. Check your devices – Most in-home wireless broadband connections have speed limitations and can be impacted by the devices customers are using to enable the wireless service. We encourage customers to make sure all devices being used with your in-home Wi-Fi have the same technology as their modem for optimum results.
  2. Limit interference – Customers should also be aware that some devices can cause interference with the wireless signal in the home, including wireless keyboards, cordless phones, microwaves, and Bluetooth headsets.
  3. Rethink where you keep your router – Where you locate your router will also have an impact on service speeds. It’s best to place the router in the area of the home where wireless will be used most.
  4. If you still need help, ask – If customers are experiencing slow internet speeds in the home, we encourage them to access online Internet help pages to troubleshoot the situation and for more information about getting the most out of their internet speeds.