Apr 16, 2020

WCDHD: 280 tested, 17 returned positive

Posted Apr 16, 2020 12:15 AM

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (WCDHD)-The West Central District Health Department (WCDHD) has now tested 280 individuals in Lincoln County for Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Of the tested 280, 17 have been positive. Five are travel-related, three are community spread, and the remaining nine are due to close contact.  All seventeen cases are within Lincoln County. Stay informed of new cases by visiting our website at https://wcdhd.org/ (information will be updated daily 5:45 PM).

In an effort to increase testing within our district, The National Guard assisted WCDHD with 100 collections on 04/14/2020. The testing was prioritized according to individuals who were symptomatic and those in high risk settings.

Social and physical distancing help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

This includes:

  1. Stay home and practice social and physical distancing Stay Home Avoid gatherings, if you must gather, keep individuals to 10 or less
  2. Stay Home
  3. Avoid gatherings, if you must gather, keep individuals to 10 or less
  4. When out stay 6 foot away from others
  5. Cough and/or sneeze into your elbow
  6. Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds
  7. Do not touch your face
  8. Wear a community mask - this will help mitigate the spread of the virus

Public health officials would like to remind you that if you have a fever of over 100.4 or symptoms of respiratory illness, please self-isolate and contact your healthcare provider for additional guidance.  If you are tested, have been in direct contact of a lab-confirmed case, or traveled outside of Nebraska in the last two weeks REGISTER with WCDHD at https://consultinglhd.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a67PjRi6skYXMrP.