Sep 06, 2024

Paws-itive Partners launching second spay and neuter program

Posted Sep 06, 2024 3:10 PM

Paws-itive Partners

Pawsitive Partners Humane Society is launching the second of two Lower Income Love My Cat spay and neuter programs of 2024 - but with a big change.  Love My Cat is for lower income cat owners and people helping to spay and neuter stray/unowned cats. 

Love My Cat addresses the cat overpopulation crisis affecting the cats, of course, as well as city resources and non-profit organizations. Paws-itive Partners' goal is to improve lives and save as many animals as possible by reducing their reproduction cycle.

Since 2011, Paws-itive Partners' Lower Income Love My Cat has completed 7,800 cat spays and cat neuters with veterinary clinics in North Platte and Sutherland.  "As impressive as that number is," said Jo Mayber, Paws-itive Partners president, "There has been a decrease in people using Love My Cat.  With new changes to LMC, we hope to increase numbers again and make it work for more cat owners."

Instead of the usual one-month-long programs, Paws-iive Partners' Lower Income Love My Cat is running from September 3 to December 31, 2024.  Advantages of the additional time are two-fold.  One, this allows veterinary clinics to complete more surgeries without the hectic schedule as in the past and, two the longer time gives cat owners time to save money for the $45 per cat fee.  Costs for groceries, clothing, eating out and all, have risen as has pet care. 

If a cat owner cuts back on a few non-essential items briefly they will save the $45 investment in their pet's health in no time.  For those without transportation, Paws-itive Partners is offering to take the cat owner and cat to LMC veterinary appointments.  For persons willing to trap unowned neighborhood cats, Paws-itive Partners has humane traps to loan.  "With our low-cost LMC program and additional options, there shouldn't be any reason why cats are going unaltered," Mayber reminds everyone.

To register for Lower Income Love My Cat go to www.pawsitivepartnersnp.comor call Marcia Eaton at 308-520-1095 or Tami Smith at 308-660-5561.  They will collect information and give a Pet ID Number so the cat owner can schedule with a participating veterinary clinic.

Lower Income Love My Cat month is Paws-itive Partners' largest annual expense of $25,000. This four-month-long program is expected to be even higher but with more results.  In addition to Love My Cat, Paws-itive Partners spays and neuters dogs and cats year-round.  The non-profit organization provides emergency veterinary care for sick and injured animals.  Paws-itive Partners relies on fundraising, donations and volunteers to care for animals.