Apr 09, 2021

WCDHD COVID risk dial moves up, remains moderate

Posted Apr 09, 2021 1:38 AM

News Release West Central District Health Department

The risk dial moved from 1.56 up to 1.83, which is in the moderate risk level. There were changes in the following variables that contributed to movement in the dial:

We had an increase in the following:

  1. Measure ID R0: Positivity Rate (Weekly)
  2. Measure ID R1: Cases
  3. Measure ID R4: ICU Availability
  4. Measure ID R7: Contact Tracing

We had a decrease in the following:

  1. Measure ID R8: Individuals Affected

The COVID-19 Risk Dial contains recommended guidance to help prevent and control the spread of COVID-19.

While in the Moderate Risk category, physical distance of 6 feet or greater, wearing face coverings when outside the home, frequent handwashing (or use of hand sanitizer), staying home if you are having flu-like or COVID-like symptoms, disinfecting high touch surfaces, and having at-risk and vulnerable people remain home are recommended as the greatest tools in reducing the spread of COVID-19. For more information on recommendations for the various risk categories of the WCDHD Community Risk Dial, please visit the COVID-19 Risk Dial page on our website.

There have been 27 cases of COVID-19 for the time period of 3/31/2021 to 4/6/2021.

COVID-19 Risk Dial page HERE

For COVID-19 case number updates within the West Central District Health Department Jurisdiction, check the WCDHD Dashboard HERE.