Aug 22, 2022

Neb. GOP Central Committee endorses Bruns for Dist. 42 Legislative seat

Posted Aug 22, 2022 8:55 PM

News Release Bruns for Legislature

NORTH PLATTE, Neb.– Saturday, delegates of the State Central Committee for the Nebraska Republican Party overwhelmingly voted to exclusively endorse Chris Bruns in the District 42 Legislative race. Both District 42 candidates requested the endorsement; however, after the ballot vote from delegates across the state was cast and counted, Bruns was the only candidate to receive the nod of support from the Party.

To receive an endorsement from the NEGOP, a candidate must garner at least two-thirds of the delegate vote— Bruns received 88%, including 100% of those representing the 42nd District in the state delegation.

“I am both thrilled and humbled to hear the news that came out of the Republican Party’s state meeting this weekend,” Bruns said. “I was not able to attend the event as I was attending events here in the district, having fun while meeting so many great people, and working hard to earn their trust, respect, and vote. My proven record of controlling spending, lowering taxes, and fighting for our individual liberties and property rights aligns strongly with the NEGOP. I am honored to receive the Party’s endorsement, and grateful that they recognize that I best represent the hard-working people here in West Central Nebraska, and that I will provide a strong, conservative voice for District 42 in the Unicameral. The Nebraska Republican Party endorsement adds to the momentum that continues to build for my campaign after the Primary Election win in May. While I am extremely thankful for it, at the end of the day, the only endorsement that truly matters to me, as the grass-roots candidate, is that of the voters on November 8th. I am working hard to that end, and hoping that they will again put their trust in me to represent them as a citizen legislator.”

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