Apr 03, 2024

Platte Institute Responds to Legislative Movement on Tax Proposal, Calls for Balanced Reform

Posted Apr 03, 2024 3:00 PM

Platte Institute

 OMAHA, NE — As the Nebraska Legislature advances a shell bill to adjust the state's tax structure, the Platte Institute acknowledges the movement toward removing the sales tax hike as a positive development that aligns with good tax policy.  

Jim Vokal, Chief Executive Officer of the Platte Institute, offered a reflection on the legislative progress, stating, "We are encouraged by the recent legislative efforts to reconsider aspects of the proposed tax reform. It is critical that any tax reform package ensures the entire tax burden on Nebraskans is lessened. This means avoiding tax shifts, increasing any tax rates, or pausing any past income tax reforms. This perspective underscores the Institute's advocacy for comprehensive reforms that benefit the state's economic environment and its people.” 

The Platte Institute urges the Nebraska Legislature to maintain a course that prioritizes the structural reforms that offset valuation hikes, control local spending and implement caps that limit property tax collection Further, the Legislature should continue to explore front loading credits with the assurance of mandated lower school property taxes.

 As discussions around the proposed tax measures continue, we remain committed to working alongside lawmakers, stakeholders, and the community to advocate for policies that enhance Nebraska's fiscal responsibility and economic freedom.  

For further information, to request an interview, or to discuss the broader implications of the legislative proposal, please contact Ryan Kopsa at (402) 366-4432 or via email at [email protected]. The Platte Institute continues to champion policies that promote economic freedom and prosperity across Nebraska. For more insights, visit PlatteInstitute.org.