News Release The North Platte Public Library will be relaxing some additional restrictions for the public, beginning on July 1, 2020, based on the Governor’s phase III DHM rules.
- Monday-Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM – all public are required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the building.
- Saturday and Sunday: Library is closed – the book drop will be open.
- *NEW* Library is now open to all people of all ages. Children ages 12 and under, must be accompanied by an adult. Adults and Children will be required to use hand sanitizer. Infants are expected to stay in a carrier or stroller. This is for the safety of all citizens to limit contamination of library materials by the virus.
- *NEW* The drinking fountain is not available.
- *NEW* A maximum of 50 people (excluding library staff) will be allowed in the facility at any time
- *NEW* The entire second floor library collections and services, including Computer Services, are now accessible to the public. In order to maintain social distancing in the computer areas, a maximum of 8 public computers, 2 Genealogy Area computers and one young adult computer area will be made available. The first floor computers are now just library catalog access only computers. Please note that due to social distancing guidelines, computer assistance is very limited.
- *NEW* The Creation Station is now open with limited hours, by appointment only, with modifications and restrictions. Call 308-535-8036 X3320 to make an appointment.
- *NEW* Group programming may be requested by contacting the Library Director. Due to social distancing guidelines, meeting room capacity is limited.
- *NEW* Teens Explore will be held July 9, 16, and 23, 2020 at 4:00PM, with a maximum of 24 participants and 1 library staff member.
- *NEW* All persons visiting the library will need to check in with a library teammate and use hand sanitizer before entering the main area of the library. All persons will be asked their name and required to use hand sanitizer (provided by the Library). This is for the safety of all citizens to limit contamination of library materials by the virus. Masks are encouraged, but not required.
- *NEW* All library staff are encouraged (but not required) to wear masks and may be further protected as their comfort level dictates.
- A maximum time limit of 60 minutes per visit per day will be enforced.
- Tables with a maximum of 6 chairs have been spaced 6 feet apart, to maintain social distancing.
- All library materials must be returned through the book drop (not the front desk). The library’s book drop is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. All returned library materials are put through a 72 hour quarantine.
- Public Restrooms are open, however they are only cleaned once a day and should only be used in an emergency situation.
The North Platte Public Library reserves the right to modify (stricter or loosen) these provisions of service based on Health Care Directives from the West Central District Health Department and/or City of North Platte Administration.
You are using the library at your own risk. The North Platte Public Library is not responsible if you contract coronavirus or any other communicable disease. We are taking all precautions to protect our staff and our patrons.